Equip Indian Churches is a ministry where several pastors have partnered together with a desire to help provide direction and momentum to the Biblical gospel growth. We hope to do this by creating a resource centre for Christians and churches. We also hope to see unity based on the truth among various streams of evangelical Christianity in the reformed tradition.
The following two verses undergird this fellowship of Christians and churches.
- Psalm 133:1 “Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity”
- Jude 3 “Beloved…appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.”

For The Truth Press Pvt. Ltd. is a publishing ministry that exists to print, publish & distribute resources for the church.
We hope to:
- Publish quality and affordable titles in English for the church in India
- Translate, publish and distribute both classic and contemporary titles from English into Indian vernaculars.
- Develop, publish and distribute resources produced by local writers.

Recognizing that the Word of God shall stand forever, it is the mission of Calvary Baptist Bible College and Seminary to impact eternity and to serve the church by training biblically equipped pastors and leaders in India and around the world for the work of Christian ministry, building up the Church, and making disciples to go into the world to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Courses Offered
- Diploma in Theology
- Bachelor of Theology
- Bachelor of Religious Education
- Bachelor of Divinity
- Master of Divinity
- Master of Religious Education

Charles Simeon Trust exists to promote the growth of the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world by training up the next generation of Biblical expositors. It is our conviction that the health of the Church depends on the proclamation of preachers and teachers who believe the Bible to be the very Word of God, and the expositional ministry that flows from that proclamation. This work is carried out in live three day interactive workshop events, and supported by online courses.

The Evangelical Theological Seminary of ACA (ETS-ACA) began as a mobile seminary in 1978 and later transitioned into a residential seminary. It offers Master’s and Doctoral programs in Biblical Studies and Theological Studies, focusing on preparing preachers, teachers, pastors, and scholars. The seminary emphasizes spiritual and ministry formation. The ministry at ACA has expanded to include a CBSE school, a hospital, and a children’s home, impacting nearby communities through community service programs. ETS now has doctoral programs, specialized tracks for the Master’s program, a modern library, dormitories, and sports facilities.

Truth:78 is a vision-oriented ministry for the next generations—that they may know, honor, and treasure God, setting their hope in Christ alone, so that they will live as faithful disciples for the glory of God.
We are committed to developing resources and training that are God-centered, Bible-saturated, Gospel-focused, Christ-exalting, Spirit-dependent, doctrinally grounded, and discipleship-oriented.

Alethia Publication and Training Pvt Ltd is committed to helping people in India understand the Word of God in their language, so that they will be set free from the slavery of sin, and equipped to help with the very important task of building up the church of Jesus Christ.
Alethia is the Greek word for truth. AlethiaBooks.com seeks to distribute biblical truth through the written word in the “heart language” of the Indian people. Acts 2:11 “…we hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God.“ Our greatest burden is to provide sound biblical literature to as many people as we can to help the Indian church grow in truth & righteousness in order to effectively make disciples of Jesus Christ.

BibleProject creates brief, animated videos that help viewers develop a deeper understanding of the Bible. You can see our entire library of videos, podcasts, classes, and our other resources at bibleproject.com.
There are now 10 Indian language YouTube channels with over 1400 localized videos. “Unveiling the Scriptures” is an exciting new curriculum series that builds on the popular book summary videos and is ideal for Sunday schools, Bible studies, and church services. This will be available in Indian languages in the coming months.